Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I've been wishing for many many things * ten fingers aren't enough to count em*

My wish list:

For Academics and Work:
1) Finish my degree then maybe work in Europe (either France or England)
2) After my degree, shall come back and get a double degree or maybe continue working then I'll do my masters
3) Be an air stewardess just for the money * doubt I'll actually do it.. but i just might for the sake of the money*
4) Still thinking bout it..

For the Fun of it:
1) Get an air ticket to Italy to see KAKA and then prob steal him from his wife *grins* (I've been planning this since form 4 and it has never actually happened but I'm hoping it will one day)
2) If i can't get KAKA, then I'll fly to the states to try to get Wentworth Miller, Brad Pitt and most prob George Clooney ( since the other two is taken by Angelina Jolie whom by the way i think is way better than Jen Anniston :D and of course everyone knows Clooney's gf is a girl named Sara??? I'll stick to the super hot hunk from prison break* yummy*)
3) If i can't bring Wentworth Miller to KL, maybe I'll try bringing Adam Levine or maybe I'll just fly to England and try to seduce Cesc Fabregas or maybe Fernando Torres :D
4) Since I'm flying to England, might as well should looking for Crouchy to tell him that he looks weird being in the field ,hence he should change his profession to a basket baller
5) If i can't bring any home, I think I'll just keep trying to come up with new wishes on how to steal my super hotties around the world.. :D

For Real:
1) A brand new phone
2) A new laptop
3) A new car???
4) Study and work abroad
5) See the world
6) Be super rich before i hit 30?? * i shall try my best*

For those who doesn't know who Kaka is... I'll show you

That's about it for my wish list.. will think bout more since I'm on holiday for a week :D

Ps: isn't he super hot???

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