Saturday, March 28, 2009

Celebration time come on!!!!!! Let's celebrate!!

I'm done with exams, thank god!!! * woooooohhooooooo *

Econs was such a pain in the ass!!! * cursing *

I'm off for bout a week till I start work at Berjaya Hotels & Resort

I'm looking forward to it as it's something different from the two previous training :D *HAPPY*

Right now there's a tune in my head that goes :

" Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high.

There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby "

That was stuck in my head when I watched Australia * yes yes, I know I'm so left behind *

After watching that show, all I can say is that Hugh Jackman is SUPERBLY FUCKING HOT!!!!

I love him when we appeared at the ball in a suit and looking all so hot!! * sigh, I'm melting *

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