Sunday, June 13, 2010

Je suis une personne paresseuse… peut-être??

So I'm through with my Delf! It was horrible from my point of view and maybe just maybe I did really well from their point of view??

Shall give you a lil idea of how it went :

Jury 1 & 2 : Bonjour, Comment allez vous??

Me : Bonjour! Pas mal..

Jury 1 & 2 : * Shocked faces * Pour quoi??

Me : Je suis tres nerveux!

Jury 1 : Partie 1, * something something something something * Presentez vous?

Me : Okay! * bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...... *

Jury 2 : Paresseusse et serieux?? Ils ne vont pas le long, no???

Me : Explaining.... then bla bla bla

Jury 1 & 2 : * Says something to each other and laugh * hahahahahahahhahaah

Me : hahahahahahah * just laughed cause it was funny seeing them laughed?? *
Bongok Bongok Bongok!

I bet the two of them must be thinking " Why is this girl laughing?? Does she understand what we were talking?? "

They prob met up with the my French lecturers and told him " Elle est folle!! Elle rit pour aucune raison!! "

MERDE, there goes my reputation!!

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