Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Racism or Facts?

Just watched the video of a student from UCLA ranting bout Asians behaviour.

She prob shouldn't have posted that video up but she does have a point.
Click here for video/ news : Video 1, News

Am not taking her side, just that the part bout answering phones in the library it's so TRUEE!!! It really annoys the shit out of me especially when I'm doing an important assignment, or possibly when I'm rushing to submit one and also during group discussion. And it usually, again IT USUALLY happens when I have loads of ideas of what to write or do then it goes away cause I'll be distracted by the ringtone.

You know what happens next, the ringtone is stuck in my head! I would start humming the song and there goes my ideas. and then I would start cursing and then I have to spend my time thinking AGAIN! * k this prob just shows how easily distracted I am *

How hard is it to put your phone on vibration mode?? it's like a push of a button and voila, it's on vibration mode!

You know what else they should have a volume control or a silent button on their mouths :D So you have the chance to lower their volume when things get too LOUD! * like a radio or something * and possibly have something which enables you to change the language, thus you'll never feel left out and you'll know what they're talking about :) * this would come in handy if you were a foreigner, seriously*

Won't that be fun??!

I know I'll HAVE FUN! :D

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